TMF Holiday Donation 2020

The Theodore Madison Foundation has wrapped up a successful fundraiser for The Uprise Angels. TMF donated $250 to the Uprise Angels. The Uprise Angels are a travel baseball organization based out of the inner city of Washington D.C. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable service organization that is dedicated to uprising and educating young minority men on Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sports Management and other life skills that will help them become future leaders. To learn more about their organization visit them at TMF assists the organization with funds targeted toward Baseballs, socks, belts, and field time. We are in early discussions with Uprise angles, to consider naming a scholarship for the late Kevin Husum. The player who receives the scholarship will wear #23, the same number as Husum wore at JMU on the baseball field. 

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